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#Breakout2024: Radix’s Revolutionary Year Ahead


Radix, an up and coming Layer 1 network, has been working hard to lay the new foundations for the next wave of innovation in Web3 and DeFi. Since the introduction of smart contract functionality through the Radix Babylon Mainnet Upgrade six months ago, the protocol has seen a significant surge in its total value locked (TVL), setting the stage for a promising breakout year in 2024.

As part of the ambitious #Breakout2024 initiative, Radix has launched Token Trek. This community engagement program, launched with over $120,000 in rewards, offers Web3 enthusiasts the chance to earn by completing Radix Ecosystem quests. 

Token Trek is crafted to boost on-chain activity and onboard a new wave of users to the Radix Ecosystem, rewarding users XP points which can be exchanged for $XRD, and various ecosystem tokens for engaging with the increasing array of dApps on Radix and participating in their community. 

Expanding Momentum with Radix

Following the successful launch of Project Ignition in March 2024, as the inaugural event of the #Breakout2024 campaign, Radix ignited a liquidity boost with over $10 million aimed at enhancing the TVL of prominent cryptocurrencies including xUSDC, xUSDT, xwBTC, and xETH within its ecosystem.

In just two weeks, Project Ignition led to a dramatic 76% increase in Radix’s TVL and notably increased the chain’s activity levels, with transactions on the network surging past 100,000 during Project Ignitions height. This rapid growth underscores Radix’s potential and readiness for expansive adoption.

Building Bridges with Integrations

In addition to Ignition and Token Trek, Radix is actively cultivating new partnerships as part of #Breakout2024, such as with LayerZero and the Maya Protocol—a cross-chain liquidity and swap protocol featuring a unique liquidity mechanism. 

The integration, strongly supported by the Maya community with over 95% approval, will facilitate unrestricted asset transfers across multiple blockchains including Ethereum, Thorchain, Kujira, Arbitrum, Bitcoin, and Radix, further amplifying TVL and user base expansion.

Embarking on Token Trek

For newcomers, Token Trek serves as an excellent introduction to the expanding Radix ecosystem. Notable projects like CaviarNine, the premier DEX on Radix, offer substantial incentives, with liquidity providers potentially earning up to $500,000 in $CAVIAR monthly.

To get started, visit the Token Trek page and select your first quest. As you achieve XP milestones, you can claim your $XRD rewards. With over 20 participating Radix ecosystem projects, you’ll gain an up-close view of the network’s innovative features, including the Radix Wallet, celebrated for its intuitive design and strong security.


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