To set up Finbold Alerts on Telegram, follow these simple steps:
First, log in to your Finbold account and head over to your profile. Then, scroll down to the Notification Channels section:

Then click on the @FinboldBot link (as shown below):

Then, Telegram will ask you if you wish to add the Finbold bot. Simply click Allow and click on the Finbold bot in your contacts list to start chatting with it:

Then, type “/get_chat_id” in the message field and press Enter:

Once you’ve done that, the Bot will send you your ID code:

Simply copy the code, go back to the Notification Channels section on your Finbold account, and paste the code into the Telegram chat ID field and click Save:

Now, you can go to the Finbold Alerts page to make a new Alert.
First, simply click on the + New alert button (as shown below):

Then, you will be redirected to a new page where you can customize your alerts:

As you can see, you can choose between Trailing Change and Target Price options.
The Trailing Price option will allow you to receive real-time information about changes in your desired asset’s price in either upward or downward direction, or both. The Target Price option will allow you to receive notifications when the selected asset hits a specified target price:

In this case, we have chosen to track Bitcoin (BTC) prices on Telegram in both directions, as shown below:

Once you’ve set up your desired parameters, simply click on the blue Create Alert button. Once you’ve created your alert, you’ll be redirected back to your alerts dashboard where you can edit or delete the alert, or add a new one (as seen below):

If your setup is good, you will receive notifications about your desired asset price changes from the Bot, both on mobile and on desktop: