Argentina has spoken on this Sunday’s primary elections for their next president, with an “unexpected win”, as stated by major global news outlets, by Javier Milei from the ‘La Libertad Avanza’ (Freedom Advances) political party.
The self-proclaimed libertarian, Javier Milei, believes that Bitcoin (BTC) “represents the return of money to its original creator, the private sector.” He also has an anti-central bank positioning: “The central bank is a scam, a mechanism by which politicians cheat the good people with inflationary tax.”
Although he defends the “dollarization” of Argentina’s economy — with the use of the US Dollar by the Argentinians — and never publicly defended Bitcoin as a legal tender currency, the ‘La Libertad Avanza’ party posted favorably about El Salvador’s initiative in 2021.
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Argentina’s primary elections result
‘La Libertad Avanza’ (Javier Milei) got 30% of the votes counted on Sunday. The second and third places were ‘Juntos por el Cambio’ (Patricia Bullrich) and ‘Union por la Patria’ (Sergio Massa), who got 28% and 27% of the votes, respectively — surprising the public as they were usually the most popular parties in the country for decades.
As no candidates were able to get more than 45% in Sunday’s polling, a general election among the winner for each party will be held in October. If no one receives 45% in that vote, a final runoff vote will be held in November.

“We are the true opposition,” Milei said in a bullish speech after the results. “A different Argentina is impossible with the same old things that have always failed.”
The economic crisis has left many Argentines disillusioned with the main political parties and opened the door for Milei, who struck a chord, especially with the young.