As the dilemma with the cost of living continues to develop, more and more people in the United Kingdom are beginning to feel the strain.
New data has revealed that renters are 4.4 times more likely to go through financial hardship than homeowners, which is near twice the risk that homeowners face, according to a recent study by MoneyTransfers shared with Finbold on March 1.
The analysis looked at data on the proportion of the population that is affected by an increase in their cost of living. Based on the findings of the study, renters are having to resort to credit in order to keep up with their obligations.
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Several homeowners and renters were polled on their financial preparedness for an unexpected £850 windfall. While a minority of the latter group anticipated having trouble making the payment (12% in the case of outright owners and 28% in the case of mortgage holders), the vast majority of renters (55% of those surveyed) stated that they would be unable to make the payment.

Renters face credit issues
Particularly vulnerable to the effects of stagnating or declining real salaries are renters, who increasingly rely on borrowing to keep up with their bills. More than four times as many renters as homeowners need credit to make ends meet, and even then, the vast majority (61%) have problems paying their utility payments.
The data reveal that persons in the 25-34 age bracket are the most impacted overall regardless of housing arrangements, with a frightening 220% higher likelihood of experiencing financial hardship compared to those aged 75 and older, suggesting that intergenerational inequity does not stop with home ownership.
Jonathan Merry, CEO of MoneyTransfers noted:
“People in the 25-34 year old age group are statistically more likely to be young families, or couples considering starting a family of their own. At this stage of their lives, having to deplete savings and rely on credit makes it even harder to get onto the housing ladder and therefore the circle repeats itself.”
More than half of parents with dependent children who responded to the survey said they wouldn’t be able to save any money in the following year, and the analysis indicated that parents with children under 18 were four times as likely to be financially vulnerable as those without children.