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Empowering Every Homeowner: Rowan Energy’s Vision of a Decentralized and Green Energy Future

Press Releases

A fresh new solution is emerging that addresses some core challenges homeowners face in the energy sector. Say hello to Rowan Energy, a platform easing the path between homeowners and the renewable energy sector. For too long, homeowners have grappled with rising energy bills, a lack of control over their energy usage, and a concerning carbon footprint. The transition to renewable energy has also been daunting. 

Rowan Energy steps in, transforming every homeowner’s experience by making renewable energy accessible and rewarding. Through Rowan’s platform, homeowners can now effortlessly harness solar energy, earn rewards via the SmartMiner, and will soon be able to participate in a decentralised, peer-to-peer energy trading ecosystem, all while contributing to a global movement towards a sustainable, green energy future.

Rewarding Green Journey with Rowan Energy

Imagine waking up each morning knowing that as the sun rises, not only is it lighting up your day, but it’s also generating earnings for you. That’s the reality for homeowners who’ve embraced the green energy solutions provided by Rowan Energy. With the ‘Solar Cashback’ initiative, Rowan is changing the game for solar panel owners across the UK.

This isn’t about abstract credits or complicated trade systems; it’s about real cash rewards for the energy you generate. Here’s how it works:

  • Solar Energy Generation: Homeowners with solar panels continue to harness the sun’s energy, just as they always have.
  • The Carbon Offset Monitor: A small, straightforward device known as the Rowan SmartMiner is installed with new or existing solar systems. This device keeps track of the energy generated and translates it into carbon offset rewards.
  • Cash Rewards: For every kilowatt-hour (kWh) of energy generated, homeowners earn 10p in cash, not in credits. To put it in perspective, a typical household generating approximately 4,500 kWh of electricity per year could earn an extra £450 annually from this scheme alone. This is on top of any other subsidy of feed-in tariff they already get.
  • Ease and Accessibility: The scheme has been designed to be incredibly accessible. The first batch of carbon offset monitors flew off the shelves, showcasing the high demand and easy adoption of this initiative.

Rowan Energy’s venture is a testament to the tangible, rewarding experiences that green energy solutions can offer to everyday homeowners. It’s about making the green energy journey not only an environmentally responsible choice but also a financially rewarding one. By joining Rowan’s green energy community, individuals are collectively contributing to a greener, decentralised energy future, one solar panel at a time.

A Collective Dream: Empowering the Community for a Sustainable Future

The ripple effect of individual actions cannot be overstated, especially when it comes to environmental sustainability. When homeowners choose to embrace Rowan’s model, they’re not just securing a financially rewarding venture for themselves; they’re also contributing to a much larger movement geared towards a sustainable and decentralised energy sector. This shared effort underscores the essence of community and collective responsibility, making the journey towards green energy a communal endeavour rather than a solitary one.

The Rowan Energy ecosystem isn’t just about harnessing renewable energy; it’s about creating a space where homeowners can actively participate in a peer-to-peer energy trading ecosystem. This facet of Rowan’s model democratises energy trading, allowing homeowners to sell excess energy to their neighbours or buy additional energy when needed. It’s a glimpse into a future where the power dynamics in the energy sector are shifted, placing control and benefits directly into the hands of everyday people.

The environmental stewardship that’s intertwined with Rowan’s model is significant. By promoting the generation and use of solar energy, the platform plays a crucial role in reducing carbon emissions and fostering a culture of renewable energy utilisation. Every kilowatt-hour generated through solar panels, monitored by the SmartMiner, and traded among the community is a step towards a lower carbon footprint and a healthier planet.

From Blueprint to Footprint: The Rowan Energy Ecosystem

Rowan Energy isn’t merely a vision but a functioning solution already making a notable footprint in the renewable energy landscape.

The core of Rowan’s ecosystem is the Proof of Generation blockchain, which validates every kilowatt-hour of solar energy generated, ensuring transparency and traceability. The SmartMiner plays a critical role in this setup. Easily integrated with solar installations, it monitors the energy generated, translating this data into carbon offset rewards, which can be converted into cash for homeowners as rewards for their green energy contributions.

Moreover, the existing partnership between Rowan Energy and ESE Group further solidifies Rowan’s real-world applicability and its growing footprint in the UK’s renewable energy sector. The ‘Solar Cashback’ scheme, emanating from this partnership, exemplifies Rowan’s practical approach to incentivising green energy adoption.

The Road Ahead:

Rowan Energy’s journey doesn’t end here. The company is continually striving to broaden its horizons and deepen its impact. Plans are in motion to expand the ecosystem, with an eye on forging new partnerships and making inroads into new geographic territories. Moreover, the upcoming release of the MID Certified SmartMiner is bound to propel the Rowan community to new heights. These forward-looking ventures underscore Rowan’s vision of a decentralised, green energy future, painting a hopeful and exciting picture of what’s to come.

Rowan Energy’s model is a beacon of how blockchain technology can be harnessed to foster a community-centric renewable energy ecosystem. It’s not just about the individual homeowner; it’s about a collective effort towards a sustainable, decentralised energy sector. And with each passing day, Rowan Energy is turning this vision into a reality, one solar panel at a time.


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