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Money, Power & Presidential Elections – An Overview on Trump, the US Dollar, Bitcoin, and BlockDAG: An Unlikely Friendship

Press Releases

A man who swore to stand by the US Dollar, devotedly and passionately, is now opening up to digital currency. Okay but, why now? 

We all know: Donald Trump’s every move is subject to intense scrutiny, and maybe, rightfully so. After all, the former President is famous for much more than just his business ventures and political endeavours; his controversial reputation follows him like a shadow follows the direction of the sun. 

Top Gainers and Losers in the Current Political-Economic Scenario

Gas prices have been since 2022, at an all-time high. A new war seems to break out every few months. People are struggling to pay increasingly costly bills. Europe and China face economic challenges that have slowed down their respective growth through 2023, while the United States follows behind. Despite this, and curiously, the dollar is performing steadily, remaining foreign investors’ favourite asset to trade as Goldman Sachs predicts that the currency could remain strong in 2024. This is of course, the year of Presidential Elections, and GS claims that “While it might be compelling to forecast dollar depreciation from the top down, US outperformance in 2024 means that the dollar should remain in high demand.” 

Trump & the Dollar – “I like the dollar”

This is good news for Trump, who throughout his presidency, and even prior to it, was frequently found commenting on the dollar’s strength, often intertwining it with his broader economic policies and strategies. He once remarked, “I love the concept of a strong dollar in terms of the United States, but it’s killing us,”  rendering his stance on the country’s currency controversial. This sentiment perfectly encapsulates his belief that, while a robust dollar symbolizes economic stability, it can hinder American competitiveness in global trade by making exports more expensive. The tycoon’s view of the country’s fiat often reflected his “America First” agenda, emphasizing the need to prioritize domestic interests over global economic considerations. He famously criticized other countries for alleged manipulation, accusing them of deliberately devaluing their currencies to gain a trade advantage over the United States. Characteristically, he asserted, “China and Europe are playing a big currency manipulation game and pumping money into their system to compete with the USA” Trump’s approach to the dollar was not only about economic theory but also interlaced with his political rhetoric and negotiation tactics on the world stage. His unpredictability and willingness to challenge conventional economic wisdom kept markets and policymakers on edge, as his statements often had immediate impacts on currency markets. These sentiments open up a discussion about cryptocurrency now, while the 45th President is running for office again. 

The Intelligent Investor: Bitcoin and BlockDAG 

“The intelligent investor is a realist who sells to optimists and buys from pessimists.” – Benjamin Graham

Happy Re-birth(day) Mr. President! – Bitcoin (the president of all crypto) seems to have been reborn from its own 2023 ashes, having surpassed the 60K mark in the last few hours of trading, leaving investors happy and jumping. 

Over the past few years, Bitcoin has had a notable impact on the US economy and has caught the attention of more than just crypto-enthusiasts. Its meteoric rise has led to increased interest in blockchain technology, spurring innovation and both individual and public investments in related digital sectors. However, the volatility and speculative nature of cryptocurrencies have also raised concerns among regulators and traditional financial institutions. The growing acceptance of Bitcoin and digital currencies as a legitimate asset class has prompted debates about its role in investment portfolios and their potential to disrupt traditional financial systems. While its direct impact on the broader US economy remains relatively modest compared to more traditional assets, Bitcoin’s influence as a financial instrument and its potential to shape future economic trends is not being overlooked by anyone, not even Donald Trump.

BlockDAG, the Vice-President of all crypto platforms is performing great in its presale stage (generating over $2 million dollars) – while the USA and its politicians progressively open up to the digital assets scene. BlockDAG (BDAG) comes into the market as a next-generation platform for wealth-building by connecting the worlds of mining, earning, and spending, all while applying no boundaries to possibilities. BlockDAG is an innovation, not just a simple coin. It is driven by a six-month mainnet deployment and an innovative hybrid consensus method. The project provides security and exclusivity in line with its dedication to speed, scalability, and adaptability, with a restricted token supply of 50 billion and $100 million dollars to back the launch. The opportunities the platform creates are endless as its global adoption continues to advance and the community continues to breed x100 return and empowerment potential.

Trump President: Good or Bad for Crypto? 

Economic and political forecasters unite: Will a Trump Presidency be good for crypto? 

In 2019, then-President Trump took to twitter (now X) to dismiss the value of digital assets and shared that in his view “cryptocurrencies, which are not money, hold a value that is highly volatile and based on thin air.” Now, after a very anti-crypto Biden administration, experts speculate that he could be good for crypto. Trump’s been opening up to the idea of a strong digital currency scene within the US market, despite still calling for the industry to be further regulated (as he discussed in a recent interview here) he’s embracing the power–and benefits–of new technologies. Statistics show that about 40% of Americans own cryptocurrency (up by 10% on 2023), with $2.5 billion earned through BTC mining in the last quarter of 2023 alone. 

As the presidential election approaches this 2024, with Donald Trump positioned to most likely be the winner, despite his highly polarized and controversial status, cryptocurrency experts are predicting that an increased number of American adults (63%) will dip into the digital currency pool making this a perfect time for intelligent investors to dive in head-first into new projects with high-yield prospects such BlockDAG. 

Read More About BlockDAG Network:






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