Stock Average Calculator
Easily calculate average stock price by entering number of stocks and price of each purchase.
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What is a stock average calculator?
The Stock Average Calculator (also known as the average stock price calculator), is a tool that helps investors and traders to calculate the average price of a stock bought at different prices and amounts at separate buys. This calculator helps to determine the performance and value of your investments.
To calculate the average purchase price of the stock, simply input the number of shares bought and their purchase prices for each buy, and the stock average calculator will calculate the average share price.
How to use the average stock price calculator?
To calculate the average share price of a stock on the stock price calculator, simply enter the share purchase price and the number of shares bought of each stock, which will then give you the average share price. You can add as many different share prices and amounts bought as you need.
How does the stock average calculator work?
The stock cost average calculator tool adds all your shares bought at different prices and quantities, dividing them by the total amount used to purchase the stocks. In the end, you get the average price of the stock.
How to calculate the average stock price?
The average cost deals with the summation of arithmetic cost divided by the number of the quantity or the number of items given.
Average cost = Total cost of the units bought/Number of units
The average price is a classic example of a price range, calculated by dividing the total sum of the cost and dividing it by the number of shares bought. The average stock price brings the stock to a single value, which in the end can be either higher or lower than expected, e.g., the stock’s initial cost per share.
For instance, if you bought five shares for $5 per share for the first time and ten shares for $6 per share the next time, the average share price is the total buy price divided by the total of shares bought.

Why use the stock average calculator?
Now, if you buy various stocks in different quantities and prices over time, you will want to avoid doing these calculations manually.
In that case, you can use the average stock calculator to get to the average cost of the shares, as it helps you calculate this quickly, easily, and accurately, saving time and stress levels.
A tip
FAQs about the stock average calculator:
What is a stock cost average calculator?
A stock cost average calculator is a tool that helps investors easily calculate the average price of a stock bought at different prices and amounts at different times and determine the performance of their investments.
How to calculate the average stock price?
To calculate the average purchase price of the stock using the stock average calculator tool, simply input the number of shares bought and their price for each buy.
How does the average stock price calculator work?
The average stock price calculator first calculates the total money spent on the shares, then calculates the total quantity of the shares bought. After this, it divides the total cost of the shares by the total amount of shares bought to give you the average stock price.