No other phrase more succinctly expresses the emotional and practical problems that ordinary people encounter while attempting to improve their lives and those of their families than that of the highly successful investor, Charlie Munger.
Munger, who is the vice-chairman of Berkshire Hathaway and one of the world’s wealthiest individuals, with an estimated net worth of around $2.2 billion as of November 2021, famously observed, “the first $100,000 is a b*tch.”
In light of the fact that the initial $100,000 is so tough to acquire, we analyzed the figures to figure out how much money you would need to invest each month to amass $100,000 over the course of ten years.
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For our calculations, we considered four possible return rates:
- 3% (for a conservative portfolio consisting predominantly of bonds)
- 6% (for a mix of stocks and bonds)
- 9% (for a portfolio consisting mostly of stocks or containing index or mutual funds)
- 15% return (for an optimistic portfolio incorporating stocks, ETFs, bonds, index, and mutual funds)
When it comes to investing your money, there are three things that an investor should keep in mind: the amount of money you contribute each month, the rate of return, and the length of time it will take to reach your goal.
In order to get these results, calculations were carried out using the Smart Asset investment calculator, which evaluates the growth of assets over time.
Our findings
We determined that if an investor achieves a 3% annual return on his or her assets, he or she would need to invest $710 each month for ten years to reach $100,000 with a $1,000 beginning amount. By the year 2031, the investment would be worth a total of $100,566.

In contrast, if they select a 6% rate of return they would need to invest $600 every month for ten years in assets to amass $100,000. It would take $72,000 in total contributions, making $27,147 in total earned interest.

Alternatively, if they choose assets that provide a 9% annual return, which is akin to more aggressive investment, they would need to invest $505 per month for ten years to accumulate $100,000 in total.

If they invest in assets that provide 15% yield returns, which is an incredibly ambitious target, they would need to spend significantly less, $350 each month for a period of ten years, to attain the $100,000 milestone. Ultimately, the total number of contributions would be less than the equivalent of $42,000 throughout the time period, but the total amount of interest earned would be $57,776 in the end.

Investment strategies
For example, making further purchases in blue-chip stocks and building up a significant number of substantial holdings over a long period of time is one approach to seeing your portfolio expand.
Another method that may help investors on the journey to $100,000 is dollar-cost averaging which may result in a lower average price per share being paid.
Finally, you can fund your investments without dramatically disrupting your everyday life when you make more money rather than just reducing expenses. This is important since you’ll be more likely to stick with your investment goals if you don’t feel like you’re being restricted.
Compound interest
Investing early on saves money since compound interest works best when given more time to build your money.
With all of these costs, it may be difficult to make aggressive asset contributions, so remember that even tiny contributions may pile up over time and have a big impact on your financial condition.
In the end, a modest investment has a greater influence than nothing at all. Even if you can’t afford $350 a month, the point is to start investing, as this will still take advantage of compound interest.
Read also: How much 30-year-olds should invest monthly to become a millionaire by age 50
Disclaimer: The content on this site should not be considered investment advice. Investing is speculative. When investing, your capital is at risk.